accounting regulations

英 [əˈkaʊntɪŋ ˌrɛgjʊˈleɪʃənz] 美 [əˈkaʊntɪŋ ˌrɛgjəˈleɪʃənz]




  1. The lightning protecion service agreements often escaped from proper working flow and accounting regulations.
  2. Stephen Green, chief executive of HSBC, also said some accounting regulations for banks needed urgent review because they made banks 'balance sheets more volatile during periods of financial distress.
  3. Accounting Regulations of the People's Republic of China for Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment
  4. It is very significant to strengthen accounting and management of financial funds use for institutions, improve accounting regulations of governmental units, and play the role of institutions.
  5. According to related accounting regulations of China, companies calculate cost on basis of manufacturing cost, but actually, some companies also calculate full cost and variable cost in order to improve cost management.
  6. Bussiness accounting standards and trade accounting system both have specific regulations about the bussiness investment accounting. By comparing the relative accounting regulations, Enterprises will correctly make accounting investment and further develop accounting's supervisory role.
  7. Through the comparison of the overall situation, finds there are no special accounting standards for assets impairment in our country, only simple regulations can be found in "accounting regulations for business enterprises" or in relevant assets standards.
  8. This paper firstly analyses the implementing mechanism of the Chinese accounting regulations from three areas: implementing way, performing bodies and supervising system;
  9. Accounting Regulations for Small-sized Businesses are established in China to improve the quality of accounting information, to meet the requirements of those who use such information and to promote the healthy development of small-sized businesses.
  10. Views on Enterprise Accounting Regulations
  11. Because the development of price and information market is not perfect, it is important to revise accounting regulations and relevant standards firstly, and then issue the special standard when the opportunity is ripe.
  12. Accounting regulations in capital markets play an important role in restricting accounting checking action of listed company and improving the quality of listed companys 'accounting information.
  13. The legal status of the Accounting Law determines that it should play a connecting link role between the Constitution and the accounting regulations. The Accounting Law should define its contents at social attributes level rather than technical level.
  14. And the implementation of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and Accounting Regulations for Business Enterprises empower the firms with considerable freedom in adopting their accounting policies.
  15. These regulations are quite different from business accounting regulations in the settling of accounts, producing great influence upon small-sized, especially private-run enterprises 'financial information quality and content.
  16. These results provide important implications for security and accounting regulations.
  17. The accounting standards as qua department rules, as well as accounting regulations which include most content of the former, have become generally accepted and widely followed code criteria in accounting practices.
  18. The result is useful for the financial analysis and accounting regulations.
  19. The Economic Globalization&. the Accounting Regulations 'International Harmonization
  20. First, the author discusses the necessity of accounting regulations.
  21. Defect in the Implementing Mechanism of the Chinese Accounting Regulations
  22. There are many shortcomings and contradiction in the present basic accounting principles, actual income standards and concerned stipulations in occupation accounting regulations currently in effect in China.
  23. However the commercial databases do not cover all of the listed companies 'related party transactions, this paper can not comprehensively analyzes the problems of accounting regulations of the related party transactions, so the result will be affected.
  24. The reform of the accounting law is increasingly close to international accounting regulations.
  25. Due to the complexity of economic environment, accounting standards stipulate that companies use different accounting policy according to their own state of operation and environmental change, and also change the early or late accounting policy under the law or accounting regulations.
  26. During the taxation procedure, additional taxation cost on enterprise caused by the difference between enterprise accounting regulations and taxation law has becoming more and more problematic.
  27. During the discussion on accounting elements, the differences between accounting regulations and taxation law on six elements, including asset, debt, owner interests, income, cost and profit, will be examined.
  28. Enterprise accounting information fraud is refers to enterprise accounting information provider violated the accounting laws, the accounting regulations, and the accounting standards intentionally, manufactured and provided the false accounting information.
  29. In addition, this chapter also discusses the problems of gives the right of inspect the books to the corporation and expand the range of access to the books and perfect the accounting regulations system.